BUSTED - Affiliate Caught Red Handed Doing THIS!? InfoInternetMarketing.com

Affiliate Caught Red Handed Doing… WHAT?

He got BUSTED… Affiliate caught red handed doing bad bad stuff!

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The incident happened a couple of years back.

It was on the Warrior Forum and there was a big launch going on by some big name guru marketers.

They held an affiliate contest and big prizes were up for grabs. The winner would be the affiliate with the most sales registered.

The affiliates in the competition came up with creative, smart (and not so smart) ideas on how to get more sales.

What did this ONE affiliate DO?

One “smartie” resorted to some very ugly and deceptive techniques. He had the sheer audacity to place a cookie with HIS affiliate link in it, as a hidden image, onto every post in the entire thread on the forum.

Everyone landing on the affiliate offer sales page and seeing what was offered on the Warrior Forum was instantly cookied and counted as his affiliate sale.


But karma struck and he was caught red-handed with his hands in the cookie jar and was punished hard for his crime. He was forever expelled from the Internet marketing arena.

Desperate affiliates?

Affiliate marketers CAN get desperate.

Desperation can be a good thing if you turn it around into positive actions and positive, effective momentum.

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The solution?


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Are You… Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Sell?


Complimentary Video: Sammy Davis jr. – Baretta’s theme (Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time).

Video Credit: Sonnie Veldhuis, YouTube.

Image Credit: Getting caught red-handed, JD Hancock, flickr.

Image Rights: Creative Commons CC Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) License.

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