Podcast Content Development – Here’s How!

Content is and always will be the one thing that keeps your audience coming back for more. It will help your credibitly and even establish you as an expert in your niche. Here’s the thing that most podcastsers forget to mention. Format is just as important as the content itself. A rant of disconnected thoughts might be as effective as a carefully laid out plan to emphasize your key agenda/s.

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“Easy-to-read is hard to write.”
~ Pam Zollman

What is most effective is writing a script for your podcast and add different segments to it. If you want, ofcourse. There have to be three specific parts to a well-formatted podcast:

  1. An Introduction.
  2. A Middle (you can add your various segments here).
  3. A Conclusion.

It’s pretty self-explanatory what each section of the podcast should contain. However here’s a little expansion of the concept:

Introduction: The introduction should generally include all or some of the following:

An introduction to the podcaster (that would be you),
introduction to the topic under discussion in the podcast,
an introduction to any guests or interviewees you might have.

A Middle: This is the part of the podcast where you add the actual content, the discussion, instructions or your opinions you want to put out there. The meat or the middle of the podcast can be broken down into several different segments e.g. you could start with a round-up of the week then add a guest interview after that there could be a call in or talk back segment. You can add as many or as few segments as you want.

Creating segments is just a clever way to keep your audience interested in your content. It is also a very effective way to emphasize the same agenda in different ways, in the same podcast.

Conclusion: The conclusion can include the following elements:

  • A summary of the podcast
  • A thank you to our listeners
  • A thank you to your guests (if any)
  • A call to action
  • The date and/or time of your next podcast’s publishing
  • A signature sign off

The most important thing to remember when writing down a script or a formatting your podcast is make it read and sound natural. Read the script a few times before you start recording so that you are familiar enough with it and it doesn’t sound “scripted” or rehearsed. That’s the art of a good podcast.

Once you start producing podcasts on a regular basis, you will get more comfortable with the format and you might not need to write the whole script. Just say what you have to say and only research the facts or other things you want to double check.

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