Podcasts Tracking – The Best Way

One of the biggest advantages of online marketing and broadcasting is that you can measure just about everything. When, how, where and what podcast was streamed or downloaded. This measurability gives the producer of the podcast great power, if they know how to get and watch the statistical data for each podcast. To understand what statistics you can get, how to best track your podcasts and how these statistics would affect your future podcasts, read on.

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Some of the common stat-reading mistakes people make when starting off in podcasting are:

Not Getting All the Stats Available:

This is a really simple mistake to identify, if you do not atleast track the following stats you are probably making this mistake.

  • Episode Hits.
  • Number of Subscribers.
  • Website Visitors.
  • Feed Streaming.
  • Feed Downloads.
  • Geographical Stats.

Check these off and if you are missing any remedy that.

Tracking iTunes Only:

This is another common mistake people seem to think that tracking their podcasts only through iTunes will give them either all the information or a fair idea of their audience’s preferences. You need to use a podcast publishing service like blubrry, feedburner, libsyn and many others. That will help you track your podcast all over the web on any site or directory it is being streamed or downloaded from.

Not Using Stats Well:

What you do with the stats you collect, matters! More than you think.

If you see certain directories or websites doing well in your stats, use those more often. Interact more through those sites with your direct audience.
If you see certain topics or formats doing significantly better than others. Use that topic or ones like it more often. Same goes for formats.
If you see a certain geographical location you want to reach not doing well. Remedy that by locally oriented online marketing. You can give shoutouts to areas where your podcasts are more popular to engage your audience further.
If people are not downloading a lot of podcasts through your website. You might want to change the layout to make them more accessible to users.
If your number of subscribers becomes stagnant after a while, you might want to give your podcasts a surge of attention by finding new directories and other venues of marketing your podcasts.

That should tide you over when you start. The most important factor in keep track of your podcasts is keeping track. Make a scheduled visit to your stats every day or other day or even just the weekend. Don’t let more than a week go by without checking your stats.

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