Learn The Top Benefits of Guest Blogging, Driving Traffic Into Your Sales Funnels for Leads and Sales

When you target established blogs within your niche and offer to submit guest blogs on them, you can create new pathways prospective customers can use to find your sales funnels.

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Guest blogging has the dual benefit of 1) Increasing your exposure and promoting your reputation in front of a lot of highly targeted fans of your niche and 2) Creating backlinks to your landing pages from authoritative sites, thus improving your Google ranking.

Guest blogging is considered one of the best ways to obtain quality backlinks, gain exposure, generate traffic and build relationships with people who are interested in your niche. Guest blogging also makes an equally valuable and symbiotic relationship with the host blogger because he or she gains free content for their established audience.

When you publish guest blogs on established blog sites that are related to your niche, you can actually increase the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) rankings of your home pages, sales letters, squeeze pages and other entryways into your sales funnels.

Google and other search engines want to provide their users with links to the pages that they are going to find the most useful. So they crawl through the web, indexing pages according to various keywords until they find the ones that they think their users will value the most. These are the ones that land in the number one spot on the SERP for those keywords.

As an Internet marketer, getting your landing pages in the number one spot – or at least near the top of the first page for your keywords – is critical. That’s because only about 11% of all Google users ever venture past the first page for any given keywords. And users are going to click on the link in the top spot about 70% of the time, on average.

That means is you can capture the top spot, you can get about 7 out of every 10 customers who are looking for products in your niche, which is a substantial share of the market.

Since Google launched its Panda and Penguin updates to its search engine algorithm, the best way to make your pages more attractive is to make sure they get a lot of social approval signals. These are things like Facebook “Likes”, Google+ +1’s, re-Tweets and other signals that indicate that people using social media find your landing page valuable.

So it’s also imperative that you ask readers of your guest blogs to provide social approval signals for both your guest blogs and your landing pages because this will jettison them to the top of your niche’s SERPS and substantially increase your prospective market share.

Leading high-target prospects to your landing pages from guest blogs provides you with a pool of customers who already have shown that they are interested in the types of products and offers you are providing. As a result, they are going to be more open to your offers and more likely to make a buy decision, which will drive up your conversion rates, your revenues and your profits.


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