RSS Feeds On, From And To Your Website

RSS is an easy way to have content come to you. Many people are aware of RSS and actually look forward to subscribing to a website’s newsfeed. Most marketers look at RSS feeds as a way to add additional services for their readers, but in reality if you understand the viral nature and how many people can actually subscribe to your RSS feeds, you are really missing the mark if you do not have this set up on your website.

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The search engines love RSS feeds! Posting daily RSS feeds can help your website grow with traffic, followers and conversions.

It takes little effort to create good RSS feeds and because they are designed to be syndicated in a variety of locations across the internet, when someone searches for this kind of content it can drive them directly to your website and get them to subscribe as a reader as well.

Marketers understand that having lots of content on the internet that people can subscribe to is a really great way to build an ever-growing list of followers that will eventually consider using your products and services.

Using RSS feeds guarantees that over time you can add literally thousands of subscribers to your content and at no charge. Getting people to subscribe is as simple as adding an RSS “chicklet” or clickable link to your website but remember the reverse is true; publishing RSS feeds can get you lots of followers that can then visit your website.

How To Set Up RSS Feeds Quickly

I suggest you use Feedburner for starters because it is simple and easy way to use as a third party system to get people to sign up to RSS feeds that you can then create using free RSS creation software like:

The process is simple. Create content like you normally would, upload it to your site as a post or content page, now use the RSS creation software to create the encoding that pulls the content and RSS code together so it is ready to be found by potential readers. Once you check the content and upload the RSS code, you can then syndicate everything by broadcasting your RSS feed to syndication sites.

If you would like more information on this process, including a quick start guide please have a look at the link below.

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