Power Up Yahoo Answers – Become an Authority for Tons of Traffic

Business owners are always looking for ways to bring more traffic to their websites. Using Yahoo Answers can become an excellent traffic source once you understand the ins and outs, exactly how to utilize and then dominate this amazing and powerful platform. Before you realize it, traffic can be flowing into all of your marketing lists and you can do so efficiently and by only having to devote time once to every major answer that your niche is looking for, once you master the learning curve.

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Of course, like anything new, you may need some extra help in how to respond to Yahoo Answers correctly. Knowing how to deliver answers efficiently will also allow you to build more and more traffic. With that in mind, let me offer you a couple of suggestions that can save you time, direct your answers correctly and make you a hero in the community.

The answers is that you give on Yahoo must be thought out and intelligent. A simple yes or no answer will not suffice, nor will it encourage Yahoo to send you more traffic that you can build upon.

The point here is not just to answer a question, but to also be an authority in your field to the person who really needs your answer. People who are reading your answers also grade them. If your answer is a good one they will mark it as such and your points will increase. The more points you have, the more respect you will earn and the more questions Yahoo will allow you to answer. More questions become more traffic to your website. Over time people will see you as the authority they need an answer to.

The idea is to answer questions in a way that truly help the reader, but also leave them wanting more. People will then decide to take a look at links in your resource box because they know they’ll find even more answers there. Make sure the links go directly to even more detailed answers and then a way for them to join your mailing list. Once you have their e-mails then you’re free to market to them making sure to deliver even more detailed content.

Again, you cannot spam people so you have to be careful in the way that you present your website information. The most important thing to ask yourself is, does the information you are providing full answer to someone’s questions and allow for more detailed answers on the link that you share.

Remember direct sales links are a big no-no unless the questions specifically answers what the best product they could purchase is; even then be very careful it is best to provide detailed information with multiple choices and then allow someone to decide on their own even if the multiple choices are all too websites that you own and control.

If you would like to learn more about linking websites in your comments on the Yahoo Answers in a way that will generate you traffic and keep you out of trouble then click on the link below:

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