Your Forum Marketing Signature is Important, Make It Great!
Your forum-marketing signature is one of the things that can make or break your campaign. If you don’t have a signature, you won’t be able to drive traffic to your site, because regardless of how valuable your posts are, people won’t have any way to reach your site.
So, a good forum signature needs to give people an idea of who you are and what business you’re in, as well as providing them a way of getting in touch with you. Don’t think of it as just a business card, though. It also needs to convince people to visit your website.
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What Your Signature Should Have
At the very minimum, you need to include your name, your site URL and a general description of your business. This way people will know who you are, what you do and how to find you. You can take things a step further and offer other contact details, such as an email address and links to your social media profiles.
Forum Marketing Signature Mistakes
Creating a good forum-marketing signature isn’t hard, but there are still many business owners who get it wrong. For example, they include too many links, which only serves to confuse people. In the worst-case scenario, you could even get banned if you have a lot of irrelevant links.
Another problem is that many people forget that their profile is for business and tend to be too casual, with links that are more suited for personal profiles. You need to keep in mind that you need to be professional in all aspects, including the links you post.
Some Internet marketers aren’t straightforward regarding what they do. They try to be cryptic, hoping that if they trick people into visiting their site, they will make a sale. This never works and will simply give you a bad reputation. You need to be honest about what you do, regardless of what it is.
Try to avoid being too casual, both in your signature, and while conversing with other members. It doesn’t matter if you stay at home all day long and work in your PJs, you need to create a more professional image. And that includes not using emoticons and flashing graphics in your signature. Remember, you are a professional, regardless of where you work and that’s the image you need to project.
A good signature is essential to forum marketing and it’s not hard to put one together. As long as you avoid being too casual and keep in mind that you need to project a professional image, you shouldn’t have too much trouble creating an effective forum-marketing signature.
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