DO NOT Get Banned On Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Answers if used properly can be one of the best sources to improve traffic to any website. The problem is, most people do not know how to grow and maintain their account on Yahoo Answers without getting banned. Here’s how to avoid this and become respected in the Yahoo community.

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First and foremost, Yahoo Answers is a question and answer forum. If you are improving on Yahoo Answers, gaining points, having your answers chosen as the best answer, then you’re doing exactly what you should be and will gain quickly in prominence. As with any form, there will always be rules that need to be followed if you wish to be recognized as someone to be taken seriously. This is the main focus of yahoo answers and becoming a well-respected answer giver should be your goal.

You cannot go to Yahoo Answers write in a bunch of comments to different questions, attach a link to your website and expect people to NOT see this as spamming. Since people are able to vote on the answers that you give, your answers must be specific and targeted to deliver the exact answer people are looking for, or you will not receive the attention that you need to eventually build a large flow of traffic. Anyone can report the answers that you give or flag it as spam, so the answers you give must take this into consideration.

Try to look at this from the perspective of the person who asked the question and expects it to be answered. The right way to succeed on Yahoo Answers is to ensure that the information you provide answers exactly the question that people need answered. Remember that the answer that you give is not just to help this one individual, but other people that will be asking the same question for years to come. The link (s) that you provide in your resource box must further elaborate on the answer that people need. You can then drive traffic to your site by creating a specific page that further elaborates on the answer. You can then ask for people to opt in to a newsletter to get additional details on that specific answer and get them on your mailing list. Do also look around your website while they are there as well.

Once people on your mailing list you’re free to market to them any way you choose.

If you add links to your resource box that do not answer the question there is a high likelihood that the links will be disabled. If you add affiliate links or try to sell people something immediately, there is a high likelihood that you will be banned. If you want to promote your affiliate products then you need to do it directly to a mailing list that you create and not links from Yahoo Answers. If you receive more than one warning, or other people begin reporting you (and they will) there’s a strong possibility that Admins will consider banning you.

If you understand the real power of Yahoo Answers and follow these rules and steps, you will grow traffic, interest in your products and services and build a mailing list all at the same time.

If you would like to learn more about how to avoid getting banned on Yahoo Answers please contact us at the link below:

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