The Truth About Yahoo Answers And Black Hat Techniques

Proper marketing will allow you to make friends on Yahoo Answers and also brand yourself as an expert.

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Unfortunately, there are always going to be people who give misguided information that is simply not true. I wanted to discuss the truth about Yahoo Answers and how taking the wrong advice will guarantee that you fail. And that would be a shame because Yahoo Answers is an amazing tool that has the potential to transform your business.

Rule 1 – Black hat methods of marketing are never good practices to start with. While you may believe you can get ahead of the game quickly, there is always a price to be paid in the long run. Many so-called guides on yahoo answers teach that you can establish yourself quickly and boost traffic by posting affiliate links everywhere. While this briefly might work, remember that Yahoo Answers police its own forums and a few clicks from unhappy watchdog members will ensure that this tactic will fail within 48 hours.

Rule 2 – Yahoo Answers is a huge international forum. They don’t want spammers and they have made this very clear. You may have read in an article recently, to start multiple Yahoo E-mail accounts to improve your status on the forums. Maybe you were also told to use one Yahoo E-mail address to ask the questions and then answer the same question with another of your Yahoo E-mails. Just so as you know this is a very bad practice. Not only could this get you banned off the forum but could also have your IP address banned as well.

There are correct white hat methods when using Yahoo Answers for your business, however this will require a little more of your time. These methods are the proper ways to connect with people that all of us appreciate; like being given thorough and decent answers on tough topics in decisions that we need to make in our life.

So why would anyone want to practice irritating methods of marketing on people, that is nothing more than a nuisance to the community? Yahoo Answers wants people to follow their rules. Yahoo sets the standard and by following it will become positive contributing members that can expect years of traffic, respect, and even generate a large following of interested people who like our business and our contributions.

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