How Landing Page Monkey simplifies your business - Evil monkey that smiles awkwardly

Make Business Simple with Landing Page Monkey

Landing Page Monkey is a game changer.

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That sounds like a bold statement. But once you put Landing Page Monkey to work for you, I think you’ll agree with that statement. That’s because this app gives you a quick and easy way to make high-impact landing pages.

Now, most people start out using Landing Page Monkey to create their basic opt-in pages. For example, they’ll set up a page with an opt-in form, along with a freebie to entice people to join the mailing list.

This is an absolutely fantastic way to use the app, because Landing Page Monkey was designed to create pages that grab your visitors’ attention. Just use the app to quickly add a background video to your lead-magnet page, and you’ll stop a busy visitor in his tracks. Add animation to your opt-in box, and you’ll impress your visitors with your polished, cutting-edge lead page.

End result? A better conversion rate and a bigger mailing list for you.

But even though you could put Landing Page Monkey to work for you all day long building these sorts of profitable opt-in pages, that’s really just scratching the tip of the landing-page iceberg. Landing Page Monkey is an absolute workhorse, and it can just as easily create a variety of high-impact pages for you. Take a look at these ideas…

Sales Pages

You can use Landing Page Monkey as a sales page, and it works particularly well as a demo page when you set the demo video up as the background video. Let me show you a great demo of this sort of page: Demo 1 Landing Page Monkey. It gives you some ideas for your own business, doesn’t it?

Another way to do it is to put a static graphic as a background image, and insert your sales video into the box. Here’s a demo: Demo 2 LPM.

Webinar Registration Pages

Do you ever run webinars, or do you plan on doing so in the future? If so, then you can use Landing Page Monkey for your registration pages. Landing Page Monkey can create a fantastic sales and registration page for your free webinars. This page will be unlike anything your competitors are putting out. Use the right copy in combination with Landing Page Monkey’s high-impact page design, and you’re sure to fill up your webinar’s virtual seats.

Exit Pages

If you have a typical website, then up to 99% of your traffic leaves your sales page without buying anything. A good chunk leaves your blog pages without even clicking on anything. If you don’t get these visitors on a mailing list, then you’ve lost a big income opportunity.

Let Landing Page Monkey start capturing those visitors by creating a slick opt-in page with a free offer. Better yet, use LPM alongside CatchaMonkey to quickly and easily redirect all your exit traffic to your high-converting opt-in page. You’ll be amazed at how much revenue this simple step adds to your bottom line.

Contest Registration Pages

If you hold any sort of contests, then Landing Page Monkey can make it easy for you to get contestants registered by creating a contest landing page. You might even include a background video on the page showing some of the prizes contestants could win if they enter by signing up.

Information Request Forms

Here’s a twist on a regular lead-magnet page. Instead of offering a free downloadable video, software or other digital product, you can offer an “information packet” through the postal mail.

For example, if you sell vacation packages, you can offer a “vacation guide” in the mail. This might be a hard copy book or even a DVD.

The idea is that not only do you get your prospect’s email address, but you also get their postal address as well. Simply add a few custom fields to your autoresponder form, fire up Landing Page Monkey, and in just minutes you’ll have a beautiful, professional landing page to start collecting your leads.

Rebate Processing Forms

Still another way to use Landing Page Monkey is by creating a rebate processing form on your site. Add custom fields to your autoresponder so you can collect your customer’s receipt number and other relevant information, and then let Landing Page Monkey create the landing page for you. It’s easy, it’s effective, and this strategy is sure to boost conversion rates.


So you just learned about seven different types of pages you can create super-fast with Landing Page Monkey. But this isn’t an exhaustive list by any means. Just look at your own business – any time you need to capture any sort of information onto a mailing list, Landing Page Monkey can create the page for you.

It’s fast, it’s easy and it’s profitable – so log into your Landing Page Monkey dashboard today and see how many high-impact pages you can create before the day is through!  For More Information Go Here…



More INFO: Create Gorgeous Landing Pages Quick and Easy Super Easy Ways to Boost Your Conversion Rates The Secrets of Writing Cash Pulling Copy <<====


Image Credit: Evil monkey from the movie about the evil monkey that smiles awkwardly, Jason Scragz, flickr. CC Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) License.

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