The Secrets of Writing Cash-Pulling Copy - Copywriting - Writer's Block

The Secrets on How To Write Cash Generating Sales Copy

Learn How To Produce Profitable Copywriting

Landing Page Monkey makes it easy for you to create high-impact landing pages. Drop in a background video or visually stunning graphic, and you’ll stop your visitors in their tracks. But now that you have their attention, how are you going to move them toward your subscription button?

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The point is, Landing Page Monkey can help you create high-converting pages, but it can’t carry this heavy load alone. You need to help out a bit. And you can do this by crafting some persuasive sales copy.

If you’re doing long-form sales copy, you might write an entire letter or produce a video which includes an attention-getting headline, an opener that stirs up interest, a list of benefits that increases desire for your offer, some proof to back up your claims, perhaps a guarantee if it’s a paid product, and a call to action at the end.

However, some marketers have found that short-form copy works really well, especially on lead-magnet pages (where you’re giving away something for free). In that case, your sales copy may consist of three main parts:

1. The headline.
2. The benefits.
3. The call to action.

Let’s took a look at these three parts and how to tighten them up for better conversions on your landing page…

The Headline

Job #1 for your landing page’s headline is to get your visitor to stop whatever he’s doing and give you his full attention. That’s why your headline needs to pull out the “big guns.” This is the top benefit your prospects will receive if they sign up for your list.

Want to strengthen your benefit-driven headline even more? Then sprinkle in a touch of curiosity. Tell your readers what benefit they’ll receive, but make them curious about how they’ll get the benefit.

Let me give you an example of how to strengthen a headline. Let’s start with a basic, plain headline:

“Learn Weight Loss Tips Inside This Free Report”

You know what? That’s dull. So let’s tighten it up a bit by strengthening the benefit and invoking a little curiosity:

“Free Report Shows You the Secret of Getting Rid of Belly Fat Fast!”

This headline is stronger because it hones in on a specific benefit (getting rid of belly fat), plus it invokes curiosity with the word “secret.” You can further arouse curiosity like this:

“Free Report Shows You the Secret of Getting Rid of Belly Fat Fast – Without Pills, Without Hunger Pangs and Without Doing Any Crunches!”

This sort of headline makes people wonder what’s the big secret, since it doesn’t include any of the unpleasant things they typically associate with getting rid of belly fat.

Make sense?

Now let’s move onto the next part of the sales copy…

The Benefits

You just hit your prospects with your big benefit. Now you continue on by listing three to six other benefits they’ll receive if they take advantage of your offer.

You construct these benefits in the same way, preferably by arousing curiosity whenever possible. Let me give you a few examples that continue with the same niche as above…

• You’ll discover a little-known herb that practically melts the fat away!

• Which exercise is actually causing your belly to get bigger? Find out on page 15!

• Find out what Hollywood actresses do when they need to lose 10 pounds fast – see page 34!

You get the idea. Share a benefit, create a little mystery around it to arouse curiosity, and use “trigger” words like “you,” “secret” and “discover.”

And now the final bit…

The Call to Action

You’ve built value and desire for your offer, so your prospects want it. Now you need to create a call to action, which is where you specifically tell them what to do next. Your call to action might be:

• Watch the video presentation below.

• Click here to get instant access.

• Get the report – click here to download now!

See how that works? Be very specific about what you want people to do, and they’re more likely to do it.


Now that you have some new sales copy chops, it’s time to try the out. Log into your Landing Page Monkey account, create a stunning page using LPM’s quick and easy design interface, and then toss up some copywriting that’s going to get you the email or get you the sale. Be sure to test your headlines, benefits and calls to action to maximize your conversion rates! Click Here to Get More Info on Landing Page Monkey!



More INFO: Create Perfect Landing Pages Quick and Easy Use Landing Page Monkey to Simplify Your Business Fast and Easy Ways to Boost Your Conversion Rates <<====


Image Credit: Writer’s Block, andrew smith, flickr. CC Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) License.

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