Sparks Will Fly and Ignite Your Business Online with Google Plus Sparks
Google Sparks – Business Intelligence and More…
So you might be asking yourself what exactly is Google sparks? This is another one of the Google Plus tools to help you find interesting websites, news articles, recipes and promotional products. Google sparks can also help you create news feeds about your business. You can look at Google sparks as something like an RSS feed; anything you find interesting can be promoted this way and all of it can come directly to you and or be sent to all the people in any of your circles.
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You can also separate Google sparks into categories. For example; you may want to promote a particular product dealing with technology. It could be a new phone application or it could be something that you want to promote which will enhance your business. You can target a specific niche this way. As long as the search engine spider bots are out there doing their job, your business can be indexed through Google sparks. You may have other products that you wish to sell such as tools and equipment. Google sparks allows you to break up your categories, so that you will only promote items to that specific niche.
You may also want to promote other people’s products and services too. Google strongly encourages this because in the end, it is less work for them. Smart move Google.
By adding a Google +1 button to your web page this will greatly increase your chances of having other visitors recommend your website and products through sparks. By simply adding a spark on your Google plus account, eventually you will rank your own website.
Simply type into the search box on your Plus account, home page the category you are interested in promoting. You will find the spark feature in the third or fourth category down on the list that pops up.
By using sparks, you can also keep an eye on what your competitors are doing in business. You can also see how your own business is being represented in Google. Sparks will allow you to pass on your valuable content to people in your circles. It will greatly enhance how you streamline your specific products and keep your business within this niche.
Consider the advantage of being able to sell your products and services worldwide without ever having to leave your living room or home office. Google has invited millions of people to now do business in a way that enhances not just their own products and services but invites others to communicate worldwide. Everything that you’ve ever needed to be successful, Google plus has provided by using just one of their products such as sparks.
If you would like to understand how to make Google Sparks work for your business, please Contact Us!
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