Instagram Success through Visual Photos that Excite

How many pictures have you looked at this year with puppies and kittens doing cute things? How many times did you smile when you saw those images?

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Maybe you were looking at a sunset on a tropical beach that was full of reds, pinks and yellows. Did it make you want to sail off somewhere and just relax?

Have you seen some the latest strange, peculiar, out of focus images that people from all over the world are posting on Instagram? You know the ones that look like a 5 year old took with an old Polaroid camera but they just hold your attention.

What you are seeing and feeling is the same response millions of people all around the world are feeling by looking through Instagram eyes. There is a mixture of beauty, passion, creativity and emotions that provoke us into certain thoughts and feelings. Very few words need to be spoken when a picture can project everything in one single snapshot and it does not matter what language you speak; pictures generally say the same thing to us all.

With this kind of emotion being brought to the forefront, why wouldn’t people want to use it to promote themselves or their business? Emotion connection is the key to convincing people to buy from you.

Many celebrities now prefer using Instagram instead of their long photo shoot sessions. That’s pretty amazing when you think about. They now have the ability to show people their lifestyles and daily routines through the use of a series of photographs. The stars only need to add a filter, a hashtag or two and then upload their awesome looking photos into their Instagram accounts.

The possibilities for becoming a creative genius are endless. This kind of creativity can easily be focused into any business structure you are trying to build too. Telling a good story with the means of a series of pictures can provoke comments, emotions and applause. This is exactly what everyone is looking for to keep the marketing momentum going.

Don’t be afraid to get more personal with people and go behind the screen occasionally. Show a side of you that is human and real. You are more inclined to get more interested buyers if you are real with them. Gone are the days of being a long winded blowhard. Stop writing so much and start using pictures.

Use more geo-tagging in your photos as well. If your business has a physical storefront presence, then mark it on the photomap and add your personal photos to that. Location map marking is very important so people can visit your store and start spending – and they will if your pictures truly inspires and excites them. After all that’s the end result you want…right?

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