Get The Best Possible StumbleUpon Results for Your Business With StumbleUpon Marketing

If you are new to Internet marketing, you may only know StumbleUpon as a social bookmarking site that is another in the long list of social bookmarking sites you use to index your own website. You probably don’t realize how much traffic you could generate just with StumbleUpon. Well, the fact is that this social bookmarking site can offer some amazing results if you know how to use it properly.

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Provide Great Content

The first step to succeeding with StumbleUpon is ensuring that your site is populated with great content. You want people to share your site and also vote it up. The more “thumbs up” your site will receive; the more people will see it.

So, you need to make sure you grab people’s attention once they land on your site. Remember, you only have a few seconds to grab their eyeballs, so make sure you take full advantage with a great headline and an amazing header, at the very least. You need to make sure your headlines are creative and draw people in but make sure they are relevant to the topic of your article. You don’t want to pull a bait and switch, unless you want people leaving your site as fast as possible.

Having an attractive header is also important. You want something that represents your site, creative but professional. If this means getting it professionally designed, do it because the investment will be worth it in the long run.

Turn Visitors into Loyal Fans

It’s well known that it’s cheaper to keep a customer than it is to obtain a new one, especially since repeat customers spend more and also provide word-of-mouth advertising. This is exactly what you want to do with the traffic you generate from StumbleUpon. The more visitors you have who return on a regular basis, the more money you will make in the long run.

Thus, you need to make sure you give people a good reason to return to your website. The best reason for anyone to return to a site is because they haven’t finished reading or going through all the content as well as to check for any new updates. Therefore, the more valuable content you have on your site, the more likely people are to return. And, if you update frequently, say at least every two days, then your readers will return to stay abreast of your updates.

StumbleUpon can help you generate traffic, but it’s up to you to milk it for all it’s worth. And, the best way to do that is to offer value so people have a reason to come back to your site and become loyal fans.


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