Pinterest Marketing Tips for Advanced Users

Advanced Pinterest Marketing Tips and Tactics

If you’ve been using Pinterest as a marketing tool for some time, you probably already know the basics. You know how to create a good pin and how to create good pinboards. However, there’s a lot more that you can do on Pinterest to enjoy the best marketing results. The following are some helpful Pinterest marketing tips for advanced users that will help you boost your marketing efforts even more.

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Advanced Pinterest Marketing

1 – Start trying to find out what brings you the most comments, likes, repins and referral traffic on Pinterest. This can be done by taking a look at both your site traffic stats and your Pinterest profile. You want to analyze how everything is performing for you. Try doing some testing to find out what times of day and what days of the week seem to provide you with the most audience engagement and the best traffic to your website. This will only help you to hone your Pinterest marketing techniques.

2 – Try letting your followers get involved in your Pinterest account. It can be fun to create some specific boards where your fans can add videos, photos and more. This helps you to engage more with your followers, letting them know that you are a real person. It also helps them feel appreciated and included. It’s easy to create a board and then allow certain people to post on it. This will also help add some diversity to your boards.

3 – Keep track of the trends that occur on Pinterest. This can be done easily by checking out the Popular area on the Pinterest home page. Start doing some research to see what things were becoming popular with pinners at the time. As you notice trends, you can start integrating them into your own marketing campaign. Staying informed on the trends will help you keep your pins relevant so they offer the best results.

4 – Work to become a good source of information on Pinterest. Being successful on Pinterest requires more than just posting a few pretty pictures once in a while. It’s important to show that you offer the best news in your niche. Take time to find new resources and offer great information on your boards as well. When people realize that you offer great information, you’ll find that your following sees incredible growth.

You can do so much with Pinterest if you’re willing to do a bit of work. More advanced techniques can really pay off, so make sure you start using a few advanced techniques once you become familiar with Pinterest. You’ll be surprised at the great results these helpful techniques can offer you.

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Image Credit: Gorilla Scratching Head, Eric Kilby, Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons CC Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) License.

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