Instagram Marketing Tips for Business Success
Are you aware that people have actually given up on the big fancy websites and complicated marketing and most of their business now comes directly from Instagram photos they tag and post? Here some really great marketing tips and discussion on just how anyone can tap this information and use Instagram to grow their business.
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One of the latest things they are offering to their users is the Instagram badge. Now you can promote all kinds of photos at one time. Your account is open to more views and comments. The Instagram badge allows people to embed a copied code and place it on their website, social media profile or even a blog. That’s a pretty cool way to promote just about any image you want with the use of a badge.
Connecting to other Instagram users and making lots of great comments on their accounts helps to build up friendships and create trust. You may need to search other people out first (search locally, by hashtag or even globally) before they will come to you. Find similar people in your niche and build a steady following.
Everyone loves cute and cuddly pictures so find out what the latest trends are and enhance that with your own special brand of cool photos. If you actually own a tore that has something cute and cuddly, start creating these. If you have other products and services take pictures that create desire if cute and cuddly doesn’t quite cut it.
For example, if you own a bakery and you have all kinds of beautiful cakes and pastries, then take some mouth watering pictures and promote your store with one sentence comments, (use hashtags to drive people to these photos like #birthday cakes). Then add your photographs to a map, so the locals can find you.
People who do this are seeing explosive sales! Just add a picture of your phone number and ask people to call for more information.
Many of these small business owners are now creating all their products at home. For example, It’s the beautiful pictures that are selling the jewelry people are making. Crafts and hobbies are shared and promoted. Instagram users become new valuable customers, clients, friends and even associates to this new cottage industry that is going viral.
Customers will take a photograph with the crafts, products etc. send it to the business owner, who then promotes their customer as a model. Everyone wins this way. The customer gets to promote themselves and the product, the owner gets to promote someone using their goods.
This is what you can do with instagram to help people find new and creative ways to bring more business into their lives. All it takes is a little creativity, new friendships and great photos which will sell your products all by themselves.
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