Top Things to Consider When Creating a Twitter Account for Marketing

Guide To Creating a Twitter Account for Marketing

If you’ve just decided to open a Twitter account for business marketing purposes, then you’ve done the right thing. Twitter today is a highly effective tool to get your product or service in the market and hopefully gather enough clients to make your business grow. Creating an account for marketing is very different from creating a personal one however. You will need to go beyond the usual settings and instead think about every step you do as a means to an end.

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Your Profile Picture

Most people identify images more than they do names. This is why it is important for businesses to start as they mean to go – by providing a company image that will stick in a person’s mind. If you already have a prominent business logo present in all your domains, then this would be the best one to use. Do NOT change your profile picture, especially not after you’ve established online presence in Twitter. This may cause confusion in clients.

Your Username

After recognizing an image, followers will soon associate a name to the picture. Your name must therefore be highly recognizable and easily associated with the service and product you provide. The username you use will also be the basis for the twitter’s account link. Changing it when you’ve already accumulated followers will mean making an announcement and likely lose you some clients.

Your Settings

Unlike your username and profile picture, it’s perfectly possible for you to change account setting throughout ownership. The settings can cover a wide area of how you handle the Twitterverse such as how your profile would look, how followers and non-followers will see your page, what updates will be publicly visible and whether you will be connected through mobile. Essentially, tweaking your settings will provide you with a much better handle on your account, allowing you to monitor practically everything happening.

Now all these may seem basic, but a lot of business owners starting up a Twitter account usually miss them. Although you might argue that it’s possible to change names and images if the first few didn’t suit – this is not really advisable. You see, online branding and presence rely on an important factor – recognition. If you keep changing your top two identifiers – name and image – then you are basically rebooting the client’s memory of you. This will ruin all the successes you’ve made in branding yourself and may even cause a decline in sales.

Note though that although those mentioned may be the top concerns – they aren’t the only ones. If you really want to make it big in Twitter marketing, explore and learn as much as you can about the subject.

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Image Credit: twitter – What are you doing?, keiyac, flickr. CC Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) License.

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