The Dos and Don’ts of Twitter Marketing
Despite the utter casualness of the Twitterverse, the fact is that this social media domain still operates on specific rules and regulations that must be followed. Otherwise, you might find yourself being ignored in one of the most influential marketing platforms today. That being said, following are some tips on what you should and should not do during Twitter Marketing.
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Do not use hashtags more than twice within a single tweet. Twitter is capable of monitoring this and can get you suspended if it becomes too much.
Do not overuse the trending hashtags of the day. Hashtags are used to monitor tweets into categories and using them too often will dilute the data.
Do not overtweet; your followers might not like it if you are flooding their newsfeed. Instead, stick to a specific tweeting schedule.
Do not ask your followers to retweet every time you make a new update unless you’re giving them something worthy of an RT. This is usually a sale, game or useful information.
Do not combine trending hashtags with an unrelated update; this can be a cause of suspension.
Do not post links that are of no relation to the content of your tweet.
Do not misrepresent yourself, such as creating an account under the name of a celebrity.
Do use hashtags only when they are relevant.
Do post tweets if they are useful for your followers.
Do create a tweeting schedule for maximum exposure.
Do converse with your clients to bring you on their internal Twitter map. RT what they have to say if this is related to your service and thank them should they say anything nice.
Do promote your brand and not just your services. Branding on Twitter is an incredibly powerful task, so take advantage of this.
Do use other Twitter marketing tools for maximum impact. There are lots of them available for free, allowing users to track who follows them, who they follow back, clicks on their link, popular keywords and more.
Do provide quality information at all times, preferably something related to your brand, product or industry.
Do form alliances with other business Twitter accounts. Go for ventures that target the same market as yours but not necessarily a competition. For example, a clothing business can form an alliance with shoes or bag online sellers.
Of course, following those guidelines are pretty basic marketing strategies. If you really want to get ahead of the competition and turn your brand into a trending topic, then you need to do more.
“Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”
– Baretta Theme (TV-series) Actor: Robert Blake. Song: “Keep Your Eye on the Sparrow” Sammy Davis, Jr.
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Image Credit: Dos and Don’ts, dann toliver, flickr. CC Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) License.
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