How Well Do You Know Your Video Marketing Audience - Ultra Music Festival Audience Miami Florida

Know Your Video Marketing Audience Inside And Out

For video marketing to be truly effective, you must know your audience inside and out. How can you create compelling videos if you have no idea what compels your audience?

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For video marketing to work and for you to sell out and earn more from each video marketing piece you create, you must engage in lots of market research. If you don’t know your audience and you just start creating videos on a whim, you’re not going to go very far. If you delve into the minds and ambitions of your prospects and customers, however, you’ll soon see just how effective video marketing can be.

What Does Your Audience Want?

The first goal of a video marketer, or of any marketer for that matter, is to find out what the audience wants and needs. What goals are they trying to reach? What is holding them back? What problems are they facing? Once you find this information out, video marketing will become that much easier. One of the best ways to find out what your audience is into is to monitor some popular forums and social networks in your niche.

Forums and Social Networks

When people face a problem, it’s common for them to take to forums and social networks to find similar people going through the same thing. On forums, people will create threads that essentially ask, “Is anyone else going through something similar?” On social networks, they might have friends and followers that have similar issues.
Your job is to search these forums and social networks until you find the problems that your audience wants to solve and the goals that they desperately want to reach. Once you have a list of options, you will be ready to create compelling video marketing creations.

Educate and Entertain

Once you know what makes your audience tick, you should be able to create videos that appeal to your prospects and customers. For example, if your audience is searching for a cure for acne, you might create video marketing pieces that describe how to make a homemade cream that you can wear at night. A video like that would appeal to your audience and if your tips work, your video will spread on those very same forums and social networks. That’s how video marketing is done.

You can’t know what your audience wants until you do the proper research. Search on forums and social networks and of course engage in plenty of keyword research and you will soon have video marketing pieces that always get the job done.

Get to know your video marketing audience better than anyone, better than your competitors, with these expert video marketing tips: FREE REPORT – Master The Art Of Video Marketing



Image Credit: Ultra music festival week 1 miami fl 2013 audience, Vinch, Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.


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