The Pros and Cons of YouTube

The Top Pros and Cons of YouTube

For those of you who spend a lot of time online, it can be hard to go one day without coming across a YouTube video. Whether it’s a coworker sending funny videos via email or an irresistible post to Facebook, YouTube videos seem to be everywhere. And while this can be a distraction at times, YouTube’s pervasiveness presents a huge opportunity to video bloggers who desire to get exposure.

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While YouTube launched sometime during 2004, they did not become a video powerhouse until a couple years ago. The main reason for this was because most people’s computers were not advanced enough to handle high quality video content. Now that technology has advanced, most everybody can stream or download high quality videos without any issues. This has lead to a massive increase in video consumption, and the statistics show that we are just getting started.

For those of you considering starting a video blog or video log, usually shortened to vlog, YouTube represents a huge opportunity. For starters, they allow you to host your videos for free on their system. This alone is worth the small amount of time it takes, as hosting videos on your own can slow your site down dramatically. Second, YouTube can send you massive amounts of traffic if you know what you’re doing.

Through the use of search engine optimization techniques (YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine after Google), your videos can get massive exposure without you ever having to spend a penny. This combination of free hosting, an easy to use interface, and the potential to receive large amounts of traffic is the main reason YouTube has become the #1 distribution platform for amateur video content producers.

YouTube Is Powerful But Not Perfect

YouTube, however, is not perfect. For starters, those of you looking to embed videos into your blog posts should know that the YouTube’s ‘skin’ is not visually appealing. In short, it will be obvious that you have embedded your videos from YouTube. And while this is not a major sticking point, it does not make your video blog look very professional.

The second downside to using YouTube is that they are advertiser sponsored, meaning they use the videos that are uploaded to their site to run ads (so they can make money). And running ads on top of or before your video can lead to users clicking away before they have given the video a chance (you are given the option to turn this off). As you can imagine, this results in content producers losing potential audience members.

At the end of the day, the benefits of using YouTube typically outweigh the negatives. Further, YouTube does not require exclusivity, meaning you can upload your videos to other video platforms while retaining the massive benefits that come along with using YouTube. Given this, we highly recommend you view YouTube as another tool in your arsenal along with other social networking sites. It should not, however, be considered the holy grail of online video.

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Image Credit: YouTube icon, Play button, geralt, pixabay. Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain License.

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