5 Tips To Make Money with Ghostwriting – Maximize Your Potential

1. Choose a Style and Stick to It

Nothing will increase your hourly or per word rate than if you have a specialized area of expertise. It’s a simple equation people will pay you more if you are an expert in the field than they would if you were “trying your hand at something”.

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Being the jack-of-all-trades might help get you a lot of jobs, but it will not get you the big paying jobs and you will lose out on establishing yourself as an expert.

2. Organization is Half the Job Done

Organize everything, create a file naming system and stick to it. You should also create separate folders for research materials, working files and the final deliverables. Try to avoid working off your couch in front of the TV, you can whenever there’s a big game, but you need to have a separate space for work. Nothing increases productivity like discipline.

3. Value Added Services

Add value to your services by giving your client perks like first order discount, bulk rates on big orders or include designing graphics and the SEO keyword search in the package. The trick with adding value is to understand what your customers want but don’t need. If they can get everything done in one place, they might be willing to pay a bit more.

The best way to add value to your ghostwriting service is through excellent customer service. Quality product that is delivered on time will have your clients coming back for more.

4. Targeting the Right Projects

When searching for jobs over the different job sites, it is important to understand how their search engine and tags work. Getting in the first bid on a job is crucial for the well-paid, verified jobs. So you need to set up job alerts and target the jobs that will not only make you a lot of money but will capitalize on your skills as a ghostwriter.

You might need to buy memberships for some job sites to be able to set up job alerts for job you might be interested in, but it is a worthwhile investment. Especially, when you start getting busier.

5. Stay Ahead of the Curve

When it comes to your craft, you should be the go-to source for information or expertise. Sign up with a few different online newsletters that correspond with your area of expertise to know what the latest buzz is. You can even turn Google Alerts on for news feed of topics that interest you. The competition for online ghostwriting jobs is stiff to say the least; you don’t want to lose out because you are not keeping up with the latest buzz.


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