Web Flipping or Website Flipping – Six Easy Steps To Success
Many people have heard of website flipping and how the potential exists to earn large sums of money. The problem that people have is trying to figure out the best way to start their website flipping success. While it’s true people can earn a decent amount of money selling websites, you should also understand that there is a process involved that enhances your chances for success and like any learning curve, should be followed.
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Like any kind of business venture you’re required to pay your due diligence and research the possibilities, because selling websites on a successful basis requires an understanding of exactly how to go about it. It is important that you follow a proven set of steps in order to be successful.
1. See what is selling and why – This is our first step and the reasoning behind this should be obvious; by seeing the websites that are being sold on a regular basis will let you know that there exists an opportunity in the market for you to do the same
2. Pick a hot niche – Now that you know a certain kind of website is selling, the next thing you want to do is ensure that the niche that you’re going to sell to is a hot niche. One of the ways to do this is to follow Google Trends and also to look at the top selling niches by categories on auction sites
3. Study the experts – http://flippaleaderboard.com – One of the top selling auction sites is Flippa.com. Statistics are kept on the Flippa Leaderboard and this is a great place for you to begin your studies. Following the experts and seeing exactly what they’re doing and how they are successfully selling their sites is a guarantee that you will be on the right track.
4. Look for a site you can easily improve (little changes can equal huge profits)- now you’re ready to set out I look for site that meets these requirements what is possibly lacking something. Remember you want to improve sites so that you can then sell them for even more money.
5. Make improvements and resell to the same niche –What was missing on the site when you bought it? Traffic? Backlinks? Needs to make money? All of these things can be improved for little effort and perhaps a few dollars of outsourcing. Have a good look at what’s missing from the website, make the improvements and then double or even triple the amount of money that you’re asking for once you can demonstrate that the site can be monetized.
6. Sell for a profit and do it again – This is the point where once you have success you simply do it again. You have a successful model that you simply repeat for more and more money. If you’re earning sufficient money, outsourcing can mean that the process can speed all of this up thus making you even more money.
Take a serious look at this model and see if you can make it fly! This is how the big dogs get started in this business and all you need is patience, time and to follow the six easy steps to website flipping success!
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