Retain Your Most Valuable Clients – 5 Great Tips On How To Do It

1. Who’s the Boss?

In order to retain a client you have to understand your relationship with the client. Online ghostwriting often misleads the freelancer into thinking that its not disciplined formal work. Sure, there is no two-hour commute to the office everyday, but you have to put in the hours if you want to make money. No one will pay you to sit around and work at your leisure.

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You might be the expert ghostwriter; the king of your kingdom but the reality is you have a boss. Your client will set the deadlines, request updates and review your work before you get the paycheck so you better service the client with a smile.

2. Communication is King

The Internet is a non-personable medium to start with but when you are working over the web and a service is being exchanged for money the mistrust can increase. That is why we have all these job marketplaces to add some security to the process. This of course does not eliminate the problem. What does help is good communication with the client.

Letting them know what’s going on, or if you’ve hit any roadblocks will save them a headache and will help them trust you more. Once the client knows they can trust you, rely on you they will be sure to stick around. They might even recommend you to a friend or two.

3. Missing Deadlines Makes You Look Sloppy

It’s extremely unprofessional to miss deadlines, no matter how good of a writer you are. At times there are circumstances that you cannot control, but there is no excuse for not informing your client of what’s going on. Sending them an email a week after the deadline with the news that your computer crashed will simply not do.
Similarly, there is no better way to impress a client than by meeting their deadlines. If you are good at time management and only take on the amount of work you know you can finish on time you will have a list of repeat clients in no time.

4. Giving Incentives

Who doesn’t love incentives? Your clients expect little incentives like bulk rates for long-term projects. It’s part of your job to gage what they want and add value to your service by offering them that incentive if they decide to rehire you.

5. Generous Feedback

Feedback can make or break your reputation as an employer and a freelancer, so if you want to retain a client leave them a glowing feedback. Be creative and stand out, you are after all a writer. Making your clients feel special and acknowledged will make their decision to come back that much easier.


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