Humans Are Like Pencils
The Parable of the Pencils: We are like pencils, what we write and do always leaves a mark but if we make mistakes they can be corrected.
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What is inside each and everyone of us is the most important thing, not what color we are on the outside.
A pencil is guided by the hand that holds it so if we too allow ourselves to be guided by our higher selves then we can create and draw the most beautiful picture.
A Picture Called LIFE.
Inspire Yourself to Achieve Great Things.
PARABLE OF THE PENCILS – Inspirational Video
Video Info: AlanO Pinoy, YouTube.
More Inspiration and Motivation on Life and Humanism: The Wisdom of Geese.
Image Credit: la punta rota (the broken tip), ruurmo, flickr. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) License.
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