Choose Happiness - Happiness - Happy - I Am Happy - Smile

Choose Happiness. What Are You Waiting For?

Wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.

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Like happiness is someone’s destiny or fate. But why wait for happiness to happen to you? When it’s something we can just choose to do.

Grab it tight and mold it with both hands. And discover how happiness and your hands are best of friends.

Your hands can infect the entire world with a beat. And have everyone dance, clap along and move their feet.

They can bring a smile, or bring a frown. Cheer you up, Or put you down.

Share a laugh, Share a tear. Cheer for victory, Or beat your fear.

Happiness can be anything when you carve it out. Choose happiness in worries, opinions, anger and doubt.

Carve it from sadness, humiliation and defeat. Discover it in the next stranger you cross in the street.

There’s enough for everybody, it doesn’t take much. It’s so contagious and infects everyone you touch.

Yeah, “happiness comes to those who wait…” Sure. But what are you waiting for?


Happiness is something everyone can support. So what, what, what, what are you waiting for?

Happiness is something everyone can afford. So what, what, what, what are you waiting for?


You can wait, wait, if that’s what you wanna do, and just sit back, relax and trust it’s handed all to you

Or choose rejection of fate. Spark up the world and turn it out of the shade.

It’s all up to you to be all you can be. So let there be no doubt and set happiness free.

Let it live, let it grow, let it shine, let it blow, Til it’s bigger than you, and lives in everything you do.

So, tell me, tell me, tell me what’s your point of view? Will you wait, wait until it happens to you?

Yeah, happiness comes to those who wait.


But what are you waiting for?


Happiness is something everyone can support. So what, what, what, what are you waiting for?

Happiness is something everyone can afford. So what, what, what, what are you waiting for?


Tell me what, what, tell me what,

Tell me what, what, tell me what,


What are you waiting for?

Happiness is something everyone can support. So what, what, what, what are you waiting for?

Happiness is something everyone can afford. So what, what, what, what are you waiting for?

Happiness is something everyone can support. So what, what, what, what are you waiting for?

Happiness is something everyone can afford. So what, what, what, what are you waiting for?


Choose Happiness – Motivational Video

Video Credit: Coca-Cola (Choose Happiness. What Are You Waiting For?) Coca-Cola’s Choose Happiness campaign, YouTube. Song/Lyrics/Music Credit: Haris Trnjanin “HT”, Dutch rapper and producer.


Choose Happiness – Motivational Video

Video Credit: Coca-Cola (Choose Happiness. What Are You Waiting For? Extended Version) Coca-Cola’s Choose Happiness campaign, YouTube. Song/Lyrics/Music Credit: Haris Trnjanin “HT”, Dutch rapper and producer.


Copyright Information:
All rights to video, audio, music, song, lyrics, image and transcript text used go to their original owners, no copyright infringement intended. (Coca Cola Company and Haris Trnjanin HT 2015.)

This article was created with the intention to help people through teaching using educational personal development material in a motivational and inspirational form. This article is non-commercial and transformative in a positive sense given the fact that it is taken out of it’s original context and put into a personal development education context. There is no intent to decrease the market value of the original content or cause any negative impact on the original works by publishing this article, if anything, it is our hope that by promoting the content, people will be inspired to look for more information and subsequently have a positive impact on, and increase the market value of, the original works & content for it’s owners.

If any of the original owners of the original content/works have any concerns whatsoever and would like this article, or parts of it, removed we will do so asap. Please contact us through our Contact Us page.


Image Credit: Happy, I Am Happy, Smile, Happiness, Glad, Fun, Smiling, Ramdlon, pixabay. CC0 Public Domain License.


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