Rise and Shine - Morning - Woman Sleeping in Bed

Rise & Shine, Don’t Hit The Snooze Button

You are stronger and more powerful than you could ever give yourself credit for.

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Every day that you work hard and focus on your goals and aspirations you’ll set in motion the wheels of change.

You know you have what it takes to fight and win the war of mediocrity and win the prize of greatness.

No matter how you feel… Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up and Never Give Up.


Rise and Shine, Rise and Grind… Time Waits For NOONE!

Remember, You’re a Lion in a Field of Lions!


Rise and Shine – Motivational Video

Video Info: Addicted2SuccessTV (The Ultimate Motivational Clip – Rise & Shine!), YouTube.


Image Credit: rise and shine, James Theophane, flickr. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) License.


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