Spark - Motivational Video

You Have a Spark Inside of You!

We all have a choice in our lives. The choice is to either live life to the MAX or just spend our days wasting all of our energy on things that has no real importance or stuff that doesn’t help us grow in any direction. Some people also choose to destroy others and/or to self-destruct.

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We have a great option to this and that is to grow in every direction and make our lives as awesome as possible. WOW is a word that eventually becomes a normality for us.

Do you choose to perish in life or to flourish in life? Challenge what is seen as impossible and prove it wrong.

Say YES to your dreams. Say YES to your life.


The essence of life is growth! Do the Absolute Best you possibly can! Interesting fact; Humans are the only life form that will do less than they possibly can.

Choose The ALL! Earn, Make, Read, Develop, See, Do, Give ALL!


Live Life To The MAX!

You Have A Fire Burning Inside Of You! Be The Spark That Ignites Success!


“From a little spark may burst a flame.”
– Dante Alighieri

“A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark.”
– Dante Alighieri

“Your spark can become a flame and change everything.”
-E.D. Nixon

“A spark is something that gives your life meaning and purpose. It’s an interest, a passion, or a gift.”
– Dr. Peter Benson

“To ignite your dream you only need to find your spark.”
– Mark Desvaux

“No amount of darkness can hide a spark of light.”
– Proverb

“You can’t start a fire without a spark.”
– Bruce Springsteen

“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.”
– Robin Williams


Spark – Motivational Video

Video Info: Intelegend Motivation, Motivation Speakers: Muhammad Ali, Will Smith, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, YouTube.


Image Credit: black, bright, burn, celebrate, spark, sparkle, sparkler, PublicDomainPictures, pixabay. CC0 Public Domain License.


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