Fear Is Not Real, Fear Is An Illusion
Overcoming Fear
Envisioning Success is like reaching for the stars, it seems like an impossible task to accomplish for those who live their lives in constant fear.
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Fear is just an illusion – it’s a figment of our imagination.
With a simple swipe, we can eradicate fear from our minds, and then we will find that the battle is already half won.
Fear Is Not Real. Danger Is Very Real, But Fear Is A Choice.
What is fear? A LIE that we tell ourselves in our minds!
What are you afraid of? What’s holding you back from overcoming your fear?
“The Battle Is In The Mind.”
What is Fear? – Motivational Video
Video Info: uniqueone12, YouTube.
Image Credit: Fear Town Sign Fearless, geralt, pixabay. CC0 Public Domain License.
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