You Vs. Fear - Eyes Fear Female

Fear Is An Illusion

Once you realize that fear is just a self imposed illusion you can become the master of your destiny.

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Don’t let f e a r rule you and be the impediment for which you never realize your dreams or live out your glorious destiny as it should be lived. Also remember not to let others around you try to put fears in your mind that hold you back.

F.e.a.r. is the one true FAKE in this reality, remember that and you can burst the bubble of fe ar just like that.


HAVE NO F E A R! Be Fearless!


You Vs. F e a r – Motivational Video

Video Source: ® Change The World, YouTube.


More info and motivation on facing your fears and perseverance here!


Image Credit: Eyes F e a r Female, ghwtog, pixabay. CC0 Public Domain License.


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